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Choose Your Ideal Family Tree Research Package



Take a look at our fixed price packages below and choose the one that is right for you.

Services Price List

Option 1

A specific search for a member of your family, this could be trying to track a parental line or proof of a foreign line to enable joint nationality for a passport, or possibly just because you have got stuck whilst researching your own.

£50-£100 Est

Option 2

Research of the paternal (fathers side) of your family, father & mother,
paternal grandfather and his wife, paternal great grandfather and his
wife to hopefully great great great grandparents and wife, including

any children that appear on the census returns.


Option 3

Four Grandparents Lines

Research of the paternal (fathers side) and maternal (fathers & mother)
sides of your family, father & mother, paternal and maternal grandparents following their four lines hopefully to great great great grandparents and wife, including any children that appear on the

census returns.


Option 4

Eight Grandparents Lines

This is a “Family Tree Research” that covers all four of your
grandparents; surnames (8 lines) hopefully back to the mid 1700s or before.  

This would include grandparents to great great great
grandparents, including spouses, siblings and issue where found for each generation and further if the information is available.


Print out of Family tree

Option 5

As option 4 - following the 8 lines of you Great Grandparents to include all information discovered including the later

records of the ‘1921’ census and going back to available Baptism documents held in Parish records for the areas your relatives lived.

This option also includes any village maps found, newspaper articles, bereavement notices, church, cemetery and headstone records,  (Including photographs where available) admission documents to 
Sanatoriums / Asylums, Poor Law and Criminal Records!

Besides your own online Family Tree, option 5 also includes a

“Printed Scroll”.  sent to your private address on completion.


​If any actual copy certificates of birth, marriage or death are requested
I can then order these for you on your behalf from the registry.



Printing / Publishing

An added extra for options 2-4 is a printed scroll, the cost being

dependant on the size of your tree.

If interested, I can contact my supplier for a quotation.


A further option is a Handwritten Calligraphy scroll or a Fine Art Print, 

again quotations on application.

Walker Family Tree Research print
Walker Family Tree Research print


Contact me by text / WhatsApp on 07946-330229 or by email and
Walker Family Tree Research @walkerfamilytreeresearch

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